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Google Scholar

Has anyone ever heard of Google Scholar? I first saw it come up in a youtube video I saw two weeks ago, and I thought, "How have I never heard of this before?" Then I thought, why wasn't this available when I was in undergrad and got a little jealous of all the young whippersnappers who can magically pull information out of thin air without having to leave their futons. But oh well, enough nostalgia. Google Scholar is this amazing tool that pulls real research articles from professional journals and sources for you! It looks like this:

I created a video tutorial, sorry no sound this time, that walks you through how to look up an article, and even find out if it's available at your local library!

For schools that can't afford to purchase a database system such as EBSCO this might be a great alternative, and show students how to find actual articles as opposed to web sites!


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