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Almost Ready!

I think I am almost done with my room, I just need to finish up my owls and an "about Mrs. White" board, but I'm quickly running out of space! Today was my last day to be in my classroom before school starts because I'll be at the PLC conference Monday through Wednesday next week and I'm determined to enjoy and relax my last two days of break.

You might be sick of seeing pics of my classroom, but let me take you on a tour...

Outside the room:

Come on inside!

Sign out board right next to the door

On the other side, my no name clothespins, I actually like them better without the board!

Close up, I did three, one for each of the types of classes I'm teaching, I used the heavy duty outdoor tape with the red strip on one side, it's amazing! I also use Mauvelous tape to hang all my posters because it doesn't mess up the back.

Next to my no assignment and no name clothespins is my bookcase with all of my dictionaries, notice to students, while you were out bin, and bins to hold handouts for class.

Moving right along to my teacher desk

The chair is one of my handpainted kitchen chairs from last year because I wanted my teacher chair up front. 

We made these yesterday at our "crafting/planning" get together! I bought the boxes at Michael's around $3 a piece I think. We painted them, mod podged, and put in the Keep Calm and Teach on sign, and added scrapbook paper inside. 

I put some glitter in mine, I *heart* glitter!

Now the next side of the room is a little boring, because it's the "back" of the room. I do however have a ton of student projects along the top

Added the freebies from Runde's Room to my closet door near my writing center!

Owl lanterns hung up! I will probably make the ribbon a little longer so I can actually reach it to turn them on!

Writing center decked out with supplies and my old desk lamp. I have all my writing help books in the small bookcase.

Reading center! I put my sorting hat out today and some student projects

More student projects. Isn't that painting amazing? A student did it two years ago and included "The Hanging Tree" lyrics. It is stunning!

My Steven Layne Golden Recommendation Shelf, and my objective boards

Shot of the front!

Another Steven Layne tip, I put the current YA book I'm reading behind my "Hot Read" sign

Reminders for suggestions

I'm going to try out Whole Brain Teaching this year, my colleague decided to use "Say Please and Thank You" for rule #3 instead of permission to leave seat, and I thought that was great!

Glued ribbon to the back and hung it from the ceiling because I was starting to run out of wall space

And FINALLY, my portfolio center with my "mailbox." Students can turn in book orders, portfolio submissions, etc... here for me.

I hope you enjoyed my tour!

I linked up with Brigid's Daily Lesson Log Classroom Tour Linky!


  1. Thanks for sharing your photos!! I love seeing other classrooms! You should consider linking up with Brigid's Daily Lesson Log, she's having a Classroom Tour Linky Party!

    Lacy's Letters

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I just linked up! :)

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  2. Looks great, Jen!

    PS: I was reading back posts of your blog, and had never realised that "Life As We Knew It" was a trilogy! Books 2&3 ordered and read in two days! Thanks!

    Apples, Owls, and Peppermint Mochas

  3. I love how you made your room feel homey and welcoming. I am also starting whole brain teaching this year. I hope it is a success.

    Darling Little Learners

  4. LOVE the hanging tree art! AMAZING!

  5. Hi there! Your room looks great and very organized! Thanks for linking up on my "Classroom Tours" linky party!!!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  6. I am new to teaching and love all that you have shared. I love your classroom and only wish I could apply all your ideas to mine. I will be using many of your ideas. Thank you- Anusha, Durban, KZN, South Africa

  7. What font did you use on your WBT classroom rules? I love it! Also how did using WBT go in your classroom? I am planning using elements of WBT in my 7-10 health classrooms this year so I am curious as to how it went. Thank you for sharing your classroom. It looks beautiful & organized!


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Thanks for stopping by! JW

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