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September Currently...Welcome Fall!

I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the September Currently today! I LOVE fall, and I'm so excited to move into my favorite season of sweaters, scarves, boots, and pumpkin spice lattes. :)

Listening: We are having a "Walking Dead" marathon today. We didn't think we'd get into the show, but now that we've worn out Netflix and watched almost every series (yeah, Breaking Bad!) we decided to move onto this one. I will admit I've totally gotten hooked!

Loving: That although we couldn't go out of town this weekend, the hubster and I had a good time hanging around the house with Bella...even though he dropped his iPhone on my face this morning (OUCH!) while we were googling something we saw on an infomercial, lol!

Thinking: Last week we had half days every day because many buildings in our district have no A/C and it was so hot and humid. This week will be hard to adjust since we ran the full day schedule last week, and it seemed like school ended at noon!

Wanting: Since I got my first pair of Tieks, I've already been drooling over the red and black pairs. I'm totally addicted!

Needing: I have a tendency to "time" things. I'm very protective of my minutes and hours and I need to cherish them, rather than think, there are only a few hours left in this weekend.

Love for myself: Gotta get to the gym 3X a week, no matter how tired I am. The hubster and I also need to go on some sort of getaway, we're thinking Galena :) I miss my mom and dad, too. I haven't seen them since school started, so I need to get over to visit ASAP!

Have a great week everyone, ISN series tomorrow, stay tuned!


  1. I love The Walking Dead!!! I can't wait for it to start again!!!!

    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  2. Ahh fall, we haven't felt that here in Georgia yet, its still in the 80's! But hopefully soon!

    I love fall too!


  3. I wish fall-like weather would settle in here (Missouri). It's been so hot.

  4. Oh my goodness I feel your pain on the no AC. We had heat indexes (in MINNESOTA) of 112 last week! Miserable time setting up the classroom I tell you. TOday was first day back for students and I have to tell you it was perfect. Weather started at 65, got to 75 by 2 pm (the end of our day). Only bad thing....90+ on Friday. Debating spending more of my money on more fans :(

    Good Luck with your full days!
    Lessons With Coffee 


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