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My Monday Made It, four days late

Hi everyone!

My Monday Made It took me a little bit longer than just Monday, mostly because I was being lazy while the hubster was out of town.

1. I uploaded five new items to Teachers Pay Teachers: my Writer's Workshop package, Teacher Binder/Planner, Four Corners Signs, 5 W's of Characterization Handout, and some cute Owls for classroom decorations.
I'm so excited about my teacher binder/planner. I use it in conjunction with my Erin Condren Teacher Planner because if you are one of those people that loves writing down your plans, you can never have enough places to do it. I justify it because my EC planner goes everywhere with me, and this one will stay at school. It is also something I will use for data collection so to know it's always at school and ready to go with me for a meeting, or there for a sub, is great!

I've thought about possibly packaging it and sending out as a hard copy, but I like the idea of giving people the chance to print out multiple copies and use what they need and in what order works best for them. That's my one complaint about the EC planner, so I was trying to think what I would want out of a planner. I'm going to ARC mine this year, and that way I can move stuff around and add as much as I want!

I'm very proud of this one. I finally got my stuff together and articulated in a way that makes sense (to me) for running a Writer's Workshop. It includes all handouts and information you would need to run a successful workshop!

I'm having a sale in my TpT store until tomorrow to celebrate the five new items in my shop! You can check it out here!

2. For my house: I put together my new kitchen cart from IKEA and "prettified" it. You can see my other project, cleaning out my upper cabinets, in the background.

3. My other Monday Made It was my giant floor pillows, which had to wait to be sewn until I picked up my sewing machine from school today :)

Since two of my circle chairs went kaput after years of kids jumping at the chance to sit in them (literally)...

RIP blue chair from college...

RIP Cheap-O Blue Chair from 1st year of teaching...

 I decided it was time for a pinterest project!


I was inspired by Oven Lovin' and her Giant Floor Pillows so I ran out to Hobby Lobby and Jo-Ann (armed with coupons) and picked up some fabric!

I'm keeping the green, teal, white theme, but since I bought a rug at IKEA that is black with white dots, I figured I'd throw in those colors as well. 

I only tweaked her directions a bit, and I kept each side as a full yard. She cut hers to 31 inch squares, so I was going for a more rectangular look. I wasn't super precise in my measurements, and it turned out fine.

I'd say total time between cutting and sewing was about 1 1/2 hours...

The stuffing part? Took about an hour on its own. I stuffed and stuffed and stuffed. In total I used about 15 lbs. of poly-fill spread between the two pillows. 

Instead of hand sewing the final corner, I just smushed the edge into my sewing machine and hoped for the best. Thankfully, it worked!

I can't wait to put these in my room in addition to my new rug and my old pinterest bench (I sure hope chevron doesn't go too out of style soon)

Spoils from IKEA: Legs for the desk, chair bottom, a green lamp, small plastic boxes in green, blue, and white/clear, a file organizer, tiny throw, and white magazine files.

My desk top, green chair seat, and rug

I'm getting anxious to get my rosters and get in my classroom. I need to chill and enjoy the next few weeks before I get fully back in to school mode!


  1. All your made its look awesome!

    For a no-sew beginner, are the pillows doable? I want them, but I hope I'll be able to do it!

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    1. I think so! I kind of just went with it using the blog post I linked, and it turned out fine. Just make sure you have a sewing machine!

  2. Love the pillows! Love the Ikea cart!! So much cuteness. Heading over to check out your teacher binder :) Love organizing and planning.

    Little In Betweens
    (formerly Teach on a Limb)

  3. I really love the kitchen cart and the pillows both. Did you have to paint the cart? I love the color! I've been in search of some cute comfy additions to my class library. These might be it!

    1. I didn't! It came in that color, grey, white, or black at IKEA!

  4. Love this so much! I have large floor pillows from Anna's Linens (not sure if they're regional) that the kids use in my classroom, but these are so cute! Did you follow a pattern or really just wing it? I've made slipcovers for my computer chairs before and I didn't need a pattern- I just sort of traced the backs of the chairs.

    1. I went off of what the linked post did, but I didn't cut the fabric into squares so that they would be bigger. I just cut the two yards in half and went from there. I also wasn't as by the book as Ovenlovin' was, I just kind of eyed it and cut!


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