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Tieks for the Cure!

As you know, one way to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness month is to wear pink this October! I'm rocking my pink Tieks in Ballerina Pink and Fuschia a lot this month, and as usual, they are the comfiest flats I own, and I highly recommend them if you are on your feet a lot during the day!

I've known multiple people affected by Breast Cancer, and it's so important to find it early. This is absolutely key.

Here are some fast facts:

-In the U.S., 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
-Every 19 seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with breast cancer.
-Every 15 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer in the U.S.  
-When breast cancer is detected early in the localized stage, the 5 year survival rate is over 95%.
-It has been estimated that if every woman over the age of 50 had her yearly mammogram, breast cancer deaths in this age group would drop by 25% or more.

It's been a blessing and a curse to be visiting my OB/GYN so often that I get checked all the time, but you can also do at-home exams. There are tons of tutorials, and an app I use, iPeriod, will actually remind you to do an exam. I highly recommend it!

How are you recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness month on your own or in your classroom? One thing I've always wanted to do is dye my hair to show support, but we just had parent teacher conferences last week so I chickened out. 

I think it's important to always show and promote organizations that contribute something good to the community and society, which is why our major writing assignment for 8th graders Quarter 1 was to write to a business or organization that impacts their life. I used Tieks (for their amazing customer service and commitment to awareness and information about a variety of important causes) and TOMS (for their one to one program) as an example, along with Starbucks (for their college tuition program for their baristas). They could also choose to write to an author, and enter the Letters About Literature contest. 

Please join me and Think Pink this October and spread awareness. Schedule an appointment and encourage friends and family to have a routine check-up and mammogram. 

Have a great week, everyone!

On a bit of a different note, here are my six pairs of Tieks all lined up in my closet, I love how cute and compact the boxes are!


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! I have been following your blog! You can check out your nomination and read the instructions of how to accept it here:



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