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Classroom 2015 "Lite"

This year, I realized that I will need to tone it down a bit with my classroom, as I was exhausted just unpacking boxes! My husband and dad were so awesome, because they helped empty out the storage unit we had unnecessarily rented for the summer, and were able to load in my room in just a few hours! I was left behind on their second trip to start unpacking, and the value in completely purging and emptying your classroom is that there isn't that much to move back in, and it's really organized if you take the time to do it when you're packing!

To compare and contrast, feel free to check out my classroom reveal from last year, featuring all of my classrooms through the years here!

Here's the view into the pod. I'm going to be covering up the garage door with Astrobrights paper and binder clips to hang student work. The bookshelf will house all of my classroom dictionaries, along with other books and resources we are using. Next to the bookcase is my pocket chart, which I LOVE using for my ISN handouts!

Here are my "cubbies" from last year. I made some new signs to hang for each class period, and students will store their ISN's and materials in here. In the top cubbies are canvases students painted, and one small box of student examples.

The custodians took all the vinyl that I painstakingly put up two years ago on these back white boards, but I think it will end up being a blessing in disguise! I was mighty irritated at first, but I realized that I project my agenda every day at the front of the room, so it's slightly unnecessary to have the whiteboards at the back taken up with an agenda board too. Instead, I'm going to put a homework board at the front of the room that serves as a permanent reminder of what's due. These back boards will be used for Writing Invitations, Notes, and other whiteboard space for student use!

 I changed up my reading nook this year, and I'm loving it! I still need to bring in my floor pillows, but Bella has been enjoying them so I'm waiting. Check out my Instagram to see some pics of her on said pillows. :) I moved my desk out of this area from last year, and I like how wide open it is. I also ditched one of my bookcases, since I purged a TON of books from my classroom library last year. I haven't unpacked those boxes just yet, so I hope they fit!

Here are said boxes of books...this is what I'll be doing when we get time to work in our rooms on Monday, along with my usual to-do list (see end of post!)

Here's the other side of the bookcase. I house the laptop carts for our grade level, and then I'll be putting up a bulletin board where the wood is!

Here is my desk area, with my filing cabinet. I LOVE this desk, and I am using my extra chair on the other side so that I can conference with students.

I love this area, and my goal is to keep it clean and tidy this year.

On the other side of the room is my supplies area and materials pickup area for students. I'll be putting up my Organization bulletin board here again this year, for students to pick up all their classroom forms!

I put this on my instagram last night, but I was super inspired by a lesson plan template I saw and decided to adapt it for my daily agenda. I use Microsoft OneNote (one of the only Microsoft programs I like) and I'll simply fill this in every day and project at the beginning of the period!

I've put a copy of my template in Dropbox that you can download for free! I used KG Fonts: All of Me, Falling Slowly, and Flavor and Frames. Please note this template will only work in OneNote!

Now here is the part of my room that I am most proud of. It used to be that every single cabinet and shelf behind my whiteboards was FILLED with stuff. If you look at the pictures, I have a lot of cabinets. Other than our textbooks, this is all I have in my room, so it feels so awesome to declutter!

Supply Station for students

Here are my novel studies, I only have six of each out, and the rest are packed away in the boxes. I also gave away quite a few last year!

Bulletin board and classroom decoration supplies

Extra supplies!

Empty boxes and bags

I plan to keep foldable materials in these two long drawers!

My absolute favorite sterilite bins that I use for extra supplies. Students can refill easily for me since these are labeled.
This is my only "teacher storage" area. It can be locked, and I have a first aid kit, small tools, teacher books, my Keurig, and a laminator.

Finally, this is usually a pit, but I would love it if this could stay this clean looking all year!

To Do List:

Bulletin Boards: Grammar Invitations, Inspirational Quotes, Organization Station
Student Work board
Finish "decorations"
Put away Classroom Library Books
Put away copies/make copies

This might be the shortest to-do list I've ever had going back. How are you paring down to make life easier this year?


  1. I love it! What are those wooden boards on either side of your white board? Also, do you buy supplies for your students to use or do they have their own and you just supplement (I'm thinking like liquid glue).

  2. Your classroom is a dream! The fact that you have a beautiful and airy room to start off with means that even if you go simple in decor this year, it still will be an inviting room for students. =)

    You are one of my favorite bloggers and I love all of your ideas. Thank you for letting us download a copy of your classroom plans. I had a similar set up for the past two years on my chalkboard (tape separating objectives, homework, etc.) but took it down because it was dirty and wearing off. I'm so excited to be able to use this template and just post everything on the projector each day! Though our school is somewhat low in technology (I have a laptop, old projector on cart, and screen), I am determined to make it work and use the technology that I have every day. This is really a terrific help! Thanks again!!

  3. I love your blog! You've been an inspiration to me for the past year and I am actually excited about starting this year filled with ideas, many from you and your blog. I downloaded the agenda template as well as the fonts, but the file say Read Only. I'm assuming that means I cannot write in it or save it. Is there a way to remove this and make it editable, or do I have to create my own from scratch? I can't see that being too difficult as your template is great, just wondering.

    1. I figured it out!!! Now I'm setting up my first week of classes!! Thanks again!

  4. You have so much space! I'm jealous. I squeeze in as many nooks and crannies as I can from my space, but wish I had big desks and lot of space. Your room looks great. :)

  5. Thanks for the template - and good luck at start up!

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